Multi-State Cooperative Society

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Multi State Cooperative Society Registration

      Multi State Cooperative Society Registration is done under the legal regulatory framework of the Multi-State Cooperative Societies (MSCS) Act, 2002. The Certificate of Multi State Co-operative Society Registration is issued by the Central Registrar for which all the prerequisites need to be fulfilled

What is Multi State Cooperative Society Registration?

The primary motive of Co-operative Society is to protect the interest of the economically weaker sections of the society. In every form of organization, whether it is a Sole Trader, Partnership or Joint Stock Company; the primary motive is to increase profits. This form of organization is considered as democratic set up run by its members to serve the interest. Behind this, the main philosophy is “All for each and each for all”. It is a self-help as well as mutual help.

Co-operative Society is formed under the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912 or under the relevant state Co-operative Society’s law. This type of organization can be formed by at least 10 adult members. Another requirement is that the members willing to form a Society must have common bond among them. They may be the residents of same locality, colleagues, belonging to some group having affinity etc. Every person who intends to form a Society should have some common objectives to achieve.

Characteristics of Multi State Cooperative Society Registration

Open Membership

Co-operative Society Membership is open to all those who have a common interest. Minimum 10 members are required to form a Society. Maximum number of members is not specified under Co-operative Societies Act. However member may specify the maximum number of members after the formation of the Society.

State Control

Co-operative Societies are placed under state control for Registration to protect the interest of the members. Society has to submit the details of the members while getting registered. Books of accounts are required to be maintained which are required to be audited by Government Auditors.

Democratic Management

Co-operative Societies are managed by a group known as "Board of Directors". Boards of Directors are the elected representatives of the Society. Irrespective of the number of shares held, each member has a single vote.

Voluntary Association

Members can voluntarily join Co-operative Society. A member can leave the Society at will.

Sources of Finance

Under Co-operative Society, capital is contributed by all the members. However, loans and secure grants can be easily raised from government after its Registration.

Service Motive

Like other forms of business organization, Co-operatives are not formed to maximise profit. Its main objective is to provide service to its members.

Separate Legal Entity

After Registration under Co-operative Societies Act, a Co-operative Society becomes a separate legal entity, with limited liability of its members. Death, insolvency or lunacy of a member will not affect the existence of a Society. The members can enter into Agreements with others and can purchase or sell properties under its own name.

Distribution of Surplus

Co-operative Society also generates some profit while conducting business in addition to providing services to its members. Profits are not earned at the cost of its members. Unlike Companies, profit generated is not distributed to its members on the basis of the shares held by them but on the basis of their participation in the business.

Self-help through Mutual Cooperation

The main principle of Co-operative Societies is mutual help. They are formed for the financially weaker sections of Society. By adopting the principle of self-help through mutual co-operation, Co-operative Societies convert the weakness of members into strength.

Documents required for Cooperative Society Registration

From Directors

Types of Cooperative Societies

Producers Co-operative Society

Producers Co-operative Society is formed mainly for the purpose to protect the interest of small producers by making available items of their need for production such as raw material, tools & equipment, machinery etc.

Consumers Co-operative Society

Consumers Co-operative Society is formed mainly for the purpose to protect the interest of general consumers by making consumer goods available at reasonable price. By directly buying goods from the producers or manufacturers, they eliminate the middlemen in process of distribution.

Co-operative Marketing Societies

Co-operative Marketing Societies are mainly formed by small producers and manufacturers who find it difficult to sell their products individually. The Society collects products from the individual members and take the responsibility of selling those products in market.

Co-operative Credit Societies

Co-operative Credit Societies are mainly formed for the purpose of providing financial support to the members. The Co-operative Credit Societies accepts deposits from members and grant them loans at reasonable rates of interest, when required.

Co-operative Housing Society

Co-operative Housing Society is mainly formed to provide residential houses to the members. Under this, they purchase land, develop it and construct houses or flats and allot the same to the members. Some of these societies provide loans to the members at low rate of interest to construct their own houses.

Co-operative Farming Societies

Co-operative Farming Society is formed by small farmers to work jointly and thereby enjoy benefits of large scale farming.

Procedure for Multi State Cooperative Society Registration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

What is a Multi State Cooperative Society?

Any society that is formed with the object of the economic and social betterment of its members by way of self-help groups with mutual aid, but is registered in more than one state is known as Multi State Cooperative Society.

What are the Different Types of Societies available in India?

The different types of Societies are Credit Cooperative Society, Housing Co-operative Society, Farming Co-operative Society, Dairy Farm Multi-state Co-operative Society, Solar Credit Cooperative Society, Multi-state Multi Purpose Cooperative Society, and Transport Co-operative Society.

What is a Credit Cooperative Society?

A Society that is involved in all types of finance related work, such as accepting deposits and lending loans to its member is known as Credit Co-operative Society.

What is a Housing Cooperative Society?

A Society that is involved in all types of housing related work, such as form, promote, and register a housing society is known as Housing Co-operative Society.

Who can form a Housing Cooperative Society?

Any Limited Company, BOI (Body of Individuals), or AOP (Association of Person) can form a Housing Co-operative Society.

How much time does it require to register a Multi-state Cooperative Society in India?

Normally, a period of 5 to 6 months after submitting the documents is required by the Ministry to approve the registration of a Multi-state Co-operative Society.

What is the difference between a Finance Company and Multi State Cooperative Society?

The main difference between the both is that Former can easily be incorporated by an individual. However, a fully democratic organisation can only incorporate the Latter.

What is the Quorum for the General Meeting of a Cooperative Society?

The quorum for any type of GM (General Meeting) of a Co-operative Society is 1/5th of the total number of the ordinary members of the society.

How many members are required for passing a successful resolution?

Out of the total 1/5th at least 1/2nd needs to vote in favour for a successful resolution.

How can a Multi State Co-operative Society utilise its funds?

A Multi-state Co-operative Society cannot use any part of funds, other than the “net profit” of the society as Bonus or Dividend or in any other manner divided among the members of the society.

Can a Multi State Cooperative Society provide loans?

Yes, a multi-state cooperative society can provide a loan to its member on his/ her own security.

Can an MSCS provide loan to its member on the security of another person?

No, a multi-state cooperative society cannot provide loan to its member on the security of another person.

Can a Multi State Co-operative Society borrow funds?

Yes, a Multi-state Co-operative Society can accept deposits, raise loans and receive grants from the external sources to such an extent as specified in the ByeLaws of the Society.

What are the Characteristics of a Multi State Co-operative Society?

The features of a Multi-state Cooperative Society are Open Membership, State Control, Democratic Management, Voluntary Association, Ease in Finance, Service Motive, Separate Legal Entity, Distribution of Surplus, and Self-help through Mutual Cooperation.

What are different forms involved in the Registration of a Multi State Cooperative Society?

Only 2 forms are required, i.e., Form 1 and 2.